this is Jeff

I really like expressing myself through writing truths, performing art, and designing systems.

Jeff is...


Jeff yearns to think differently. Jeff is not afraid or ashamed to fail. Jeff is open to most ideas... even bad ones.


If Jeff cares about something he devotes his whole being to it. Systemic change is deliverable through pure, measured emotional strength.


People matter. Jeff yearns to listen, understand and assimilate different frameworks and perspectives. Everyone has a story to tell.


Fred Rogers

To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.


In search of things that are too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.


I could have got more out.

Seven Pounds

In seven days, God created the world. And in seven seconds, I shattered mine.

This is water

The really important kind of freedom involves attention and awareness and discipline, and being able truly to care about other people and to sacrifice for them over and over in myriad petty, unsexy ways every day.


I want to experience everything 7 times over, and 7 times harder. The good, the bad and the ugly.

Current Projects


Youtube talkshow & content channel where I explore nerdiness & vulnerability in entertaining ways.


Mobile game & social experiment to challenge people to support minorities in raunchy & controversial ways.

Pong Royale

Mobile game that attempts to revamp the Battle Royale genre with vintage Pong (1972).


Fictional realistic dystopic novel about Alexander, the unassuming East Russian accountant who is placed in despair with tragic & immortal superpowers.

Stand up / Twitter comedy

Sad attempts at being funny both at open mics and on the Twittersphere. @yodisjeff

Private tutoring / mentorship curriculum

Creating a curriculum for an intensive mentorship that is adaptive, mentee-centered, and aims to teach expression through creation (code, game design or writing).


Most of my experience is undergraduate Software Engineering or small group leadership and mentoring experience. But I am shifting my focus on more client-facing/ consulting roles that also involve management of small group of driven and talented individuals.

Makerthon of Kindness, Event Coordinator

Google, Software Engineering Intern

NYU Clinical Machine Learning Group, Research Assistant

NYU Computer Science Department, Data Structures Tutor


NYU Bachelor's of Arts Computer Science

What are you doing now?

Interning at Snowflake in San Mateo

What makes you happy?

Deep connection and creating things that matter

What do you hate?

Coffee, pretentious people and mainstream shit.

What do you fear?

Nothing. (except myself)

How many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth?

A lot

Random Headshots

I'm beautiful


I'm just a cool (bad) guy

∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Dang this is definitely my good side


Blog Posts

  • Jeff
  • 18 Oct
  • 0

First blog post coming soon!

It will be about my projects and maybe experience.

Read more

Get in touch


Prefer email!


jeff3456 gmail


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